Tuomas A. Laitinen

Tuomas A. Laitinen is an artist who works with moving image, sound, light, glass, chemical and microbial processes, as well as algorithms to explore the entanglements of multispecies coexistence. Laitinen composes situations and installations that inquire into the porous interconnectedness of language, body, and matter within morphing ecosystems. In recent years, Laitinen has been working with questions of ecology, the notion of the extended mind, and processes of knowledge production. The works are often made with translucent and transparent materials.

LaitinenĀ“s works have been recently shown in the 21st Biennale of Sydney, 1st Helsinki Biennial, 7th Bucharest Biennale, Screen City Biennale 2019 (Stavanger), Kai Art Center (Tallinn), Radius CCA (Delft), Rotterdam Film Festival, SADE LA (Los Angeles), Amado Art Space (Seoul), Moving Image (New York), A Tale of a Tub (Rotterdam), Art Sonje Center (Seoul), Helsinki Contemporary, Museum of Contemporary Art and Kiasma, EMMA.

Photography credits: Diana Luganski


2024-2025 Guest