
If you are uncertain about meeting the diploma requirements at the course's outset, please contact Student Affairs before submitting your application.

Previous studies Pre-univ. (VWO), upper sec. education (HAVO), sec. voc. education (MBO: level 4), or equivalent.
English language see language requirements
Application form via STUDIELINK
Documents Portfolio and Mandatory Home Assignments
Interview Online or on site entrance exam.

Open Day & Try Outs

Open Day 2nd November 2024
Try Out Day Any time throughout the year - see bellow

Impression of Open Day in 2022

Study Try-Out at BEAR

Experience what it’s like to study at BEAR by joining a first-year class. This try-out class gives you the chance to immerse yourself in the programme, ask all your questions, and get a first-hand impression of the learning environment.

At the end of the class, you’ll also have the opportunity for a portfolio review.
Please bring your physical works for review—works displayed on a mobile phone will not be discussed.

You can sign up for a study try-out at any time throughout the year—there is no fixed date. To register, send an email to with the subject “Study Try-Out”.

Admission Dates

26 November 2024 (online) Portfolio and Home assignment no later than 2 weeks before.
18 February 2025 (online) Portfolio and Home assignment no later than 2 weeks before.
25 March 2025 (online) Portfolio and Home Assignment no later than 2 weeks before.
22 April 2025 (on site) Portfolio and Home assignment no later than 2 weeks before. Max. 20 candidates.
20 May 2025 (on site) Portfolio and Home Assignment no later than 2 weeks before. Max. 20 candidates.
24 June 2025 (online) Portfolio and Home Assignment no later than 2 weeks before.
All candidates expect NON-EU.


Applications for the BEAR Fine Art course in Arnhem can be submitted through Studielink. Once your application is received, you will receive an email containing a link to an online questionnaire. After completing the questionnaire, you will be able to download our Home Assignment, which comprises six mandatory tasks, and instructions for submitting your Portfolio (with a maximum of 30 pages). You will also receive information regarding the online or on-site entrance examination date, along with instructions for uploading the Home Assignments and Portfolio via OSIRIS.

Based on a pre-selection process you might be invited for an interview. There is no charge for this. During the interview, we assess whether BEAR Fine Art is the right course for you.

Creativity We look at your ability to express yourself visually, to work based on observation and concept.
Motivation How good are your communication skills? Are you able to share your fascination and inspiration?
Aesthetics How do you understand form, colour and material and the individuality expressed by your work.
Criticality Inquiring and experimental attitude, curiosity and a genuine interest in contemporary art practice.

Entrance Examination

The Entrance examinations are an opportunity to evaluate your suitability for the BEAR course, your creative ability, your understanding of form, your communication skills in English, your motivation, and your ability to critically reflect on what you make. We seek candidates with an inquisitive and experimental attitude, curiosity, and a genuine interest in contemporary art practice and research.

On-site entrance examination

If you are taking our on-site entrance examination, we offer a chance to experience a day at BEAR while allowing our team to assess the compatibility between yourself and the department. The day typically starts at 10 AM with a brief introduction to BEAR. Between 10:30 AM and 4:00 PM, there will be a collective workshop facilitated by our tutors, with all necessary materials provided by BEAR. Subsequently, the workshop results will be presented to the admission teams.
Throughout the day, each applicant will have an individual interview with the admission team, lasting approximately 20 minutes. During the interview, we will discuss your motivation, Home Assignments, and Portfolio. It is essential to bring your Portfolio and Home Assignments in physical form. If your work is too large to bring with you, please provide comprehensive documentation. Applicants will only be considered if they have completed the Home Assignments, uploaded previously via OSIRIS.

Online entrance examination

If you are taking our online entrance examination, this will be conducted via a video call using Zoom. A timeslot and link to the Zoom meeting will be emailed to you after you have uploaded your Portfolio and Home assignments.
During this interview, you will present the six Home Assignments you have completed, as well as your Portfolio (maximum 30 pages). You will have the opportunity to explain your creative process and discuss the ideas behind your work.

Result and validity

The admissions committee will provide a recommendation to the Board of Examiners regarding your admission status. You will receive notification of the result within three working weeks after the entrance examination. Please note that admission is valid only for the specific course for which you applied. If you wish to audition for a course or specialization at a different location, you must register separately. Admission is valid for the academic year immediately following the entrance examination.

Prepare for the Entrance Examination

Complete all the home assignments and share you Portfolio. Your Portfolio can encompass various media, such as drawings, paintings, photos, videos, animations, websites, furniture, clothing, posters, etc. For videos, please include links for viewing. We encourage you to showcase not only finished artworks but also sketches of works in progress that provide insight into your thought process.

If you intend to enroll in the BEAR propaedeutic year immediately after secondary school, we strongly recommend completing the preparatory course in Art & Design in Arnhem first. This preparatory course will thoroughly prepare you for the entrance examination at BEAR Fine Art.