Jo-Lene Ong

Jo-Lene Ong is an independent curator based in the Netherlands and Malaysia. Her practice engages with counter-colonial ways of sensing, speaking, and organising. She is a program advisor for THIS TOO, IS A MAP, the 12th Seoul Mediacity Biennale. She teaches theory at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. At the academy, she is active in the film program of the BEAM Club and is part of the working group Urgent Ecologies. Past projects include SUNSHOWER: Contemporary Art from Southeast Asia 1980s to Now (2017) National Art Center Tokyo and Mori Art Museum; Elsewheres Within Here (2019) Framer Framed; Other Futures (2020-21), and Hartwig Art Foundation Production | Collection Grant (2020-21). 


2023-2024 Guest