Isabel Cordeiro

Isabel Cordeiro (PT/NL) is a visual artist working across installation and performance. In her current work she employs matter, motion and gravity, creating encounters between bodies of different materialities —human and non-human— and observing how, through touch they affect each other, changing one another. Cordeiro is in search of a methodological approach that explores how embodied knowledge is exchanged. An approach which involves creating tools that look to systematise this form of knowledge, and put it to use. Ultimately, she wishes to consider the world from a less anthropocentric position, through the lens of material relations.

Cordeiro holds an MA in Fine Arts from the Piet Zwart Institute, in Rotterdam, and a MA in Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, in Lisbon. She teaches theory at the VAV moving image, Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. Her work has been shown at the Kunstmuseum Den Haag, Royal Palace Amsterdam, Glasgow Sculpture Studios, Hospitalfield Scotland, das weisse haus Vienna, Braadwolf Amsterdam, Tent Rotterdam, EKWC European Ceramic Workcentre, Julidans International festival for contemporary dance, Festival WhyNot platform for contemporary dance and performance, and more.


2023-2024 Guest