Hedwig Houben

Hedwig Houben (1983 NL) is an artist who lives and works in Brussels. Between 2015 and 2023 she was teaching at the Art & Research department of St.Joost academy, Breda in The Netherlands. Since 2019 she works with Rob Leijdekkers and Brenda Tempelaar on alternative models within the cultural field. Her work was included in various exhibitions and projects such as: Frac Ile de France, Paris (2024); Museum M, Leuven (2022); Bétonsalon, Paris (2021); MHKA, Antwerp (2019); Spike Island, Bristol (2016); Wiels, Brussels (2015); La Loge, Brussels (2013).

Image:  Appendices (2020-heden). Pilar Mata Dupont activeert Appendix (2020), onderdeel van het immuunsysteem bij A Tale of A Tub in Rotterdam. 


2023-2024 Guest