Theme Studio Digital Practices

Theme Studio Digital Practices

In Theme Studio Digital Practices, we will get hands-on with contemporary image-making and storytelling tools for 3D and 2D animation, video editing and post-production — including Adobe Premiere, After Effects, and Cinema 4D.
As well as learning how to use and experiment with these tools for our own artistic practice, we will also consider soft- ware and its digital images as tangible material. We examine how this material, its complex history, context and politics, is used critically in contemporary art.

In Semester 1 we will explore 3D modelling and image render- ing, and the consequences of translating the real world to the virtual. We will do exercises in lensless filmmaking and study how artists have used digital tools to work creatively with limited budgets and resources. Lastly, we will use the green screen and live streaming, and look at how performance art has changed in relation to camera and online culture.

The programme of Semester 2 is aligned with Theme Studio Lens-Based. As for the Digital Practices component, we focus on 3D animation and why artists invest objects and non-humans with emotions, voices and feelings. We also look at the difference between digital puppets, digital masks and digital avatars.


Tom K Kemp