Sara Giannini

Sara Giannini is a curator, writer, and educator based in Amsterdam. Since 2019 she works as program curator with the arts organisationĀ If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want to Be Part of Your Revolution, Amsterdam, where she develops multiform art and research commissions in an open dialogue with artists, writers, and other practitioners exploring the expansive field of performance and performativity. With a background in theatre studies and semiotics, Sara's curatorial research focuses on the interplays of language and performativity as tools of critical and political fabulation. As an after-hour-caretaker, she has become more and more interested in the questions posed by (the labour of) invisible performances. If life allows, one day she wishes to turn this commitment into a project titledĀ Performances Not To Be SeenĀ (courtesy Jeanette Ingberman & Exit Art, NYC).


2023-2024 Guest